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A global leader in disciple building since 1974

WDA began as a campus ministry emphasizing replicable discipleship (spiritual mentorship) and Christian maturity. Now, WDA operates in more than 70 countries to equip disciple-building leaders who think, feel, and act like Jesus and are developing life-long followers of Jesus Christ.

Based on Jesus’ ministry to His disciples, WDA has developed an intentional and progressive growth curriculum for Christians, training pathways for disciple-making leaders, and virtual tools and platforms for discipling & training in a digital age.

WDA’s mission is to serve the Church worldwide by developing Christlike character in people and equipping them to disciple others according to the pattern Jesus used to train His disciples. 

Download and read WDA’s Master Plan to find out everything about our vision, our philosophy of ministry, and strategic ministry growth. 

The 28/20® Project

Matthew 28:18-20: “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.

  • Getting Started 
  • Knowing God
  • Understanding People
  • Growing Spiritually
  • How Emotional Problems Develop 
  • Processing Pain
  • Understanding Emotions
  • Conquering Shame
  • Created with Needs
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Evangelism Training
  • Positional Truth
  • Ministry Principles
  • Inductive Bible Study
  • 1 year certification courses
  • Relational learning through cohort groups
  • Christ’s Method for Building Disciples
  • Developing New Leaders
  • Developing Mature Leaders (coming soon)
  • Life Coaching / Mentor Training
  • Built in application & accountability



We Cast A Vision

(We emphasize the priority of Christian maturity, at both the individual and congregational levels, unto the glory of God.)

Our first task involves communicating the priority of growth to spiritual maturity and the accompanying need for progressive disciple-building. (Maturity Matters!) This task also involves forming a network/association with others who share our convictions.


We Show the Way

(We Train Others How to Build Disciples.)

Our second task involves developing training approaches, paradigms, and resources that can be offered to churches, individuals, and other Christian organizations.


We Do It

(We Build Disciples Ourselves.)

Our third task is face-to-face discipleship: meeting people where they are and helping them take the necessary steps toward maturity.

Organized as Worldwide Discipleship Association, Inc. (WDA) in 1974, WDA is based in the United States and has ministry impact and partners in over 70 countries. WDA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization funded primarily by the tax-deductible gifts of those who share our commitment to Biblical disciple-building.

WDA was founded by Carl Wilson—a pastor, former director of the High School Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, and author of With Christ in the School of Disciple Building. He envisioned a worldwide network of interconnected ministries committed to the ongoing process of Christlike sanctification and renewal and staffed by teams of leaders trained using a Biblical pattern of discipleship.

Since its inception, WDA has focused on studying Jesus’ ministry and methods and advocating for Biblical disciple-building principles in the Church. WDA’s staff and writers have decades of ministry experience, giving WDA the knowledge and wisdom to help build Christian leaders worldwide.

WDA initiated its ministry on college campuses, realizing the strategic position held by universities as centers of influence. Now, its Next Generation Ministry continues to build disciples on college campuses. Still, WDA also focuses on developing other ministries, partnerships, publications, and resources that equip disciple builders in the US and overseas.

Bob Dukes

Jesse Dukes

Ross Greene

Woody Johnson

Hugh Kirby

David Parfitt

Greg Preuer

C J Stanford

Mike Wolf

Dr. Mike Younker